
An interview with our 2021 Caboolture Captains

News - July 26, 2021

Term 3 saw yet another milestone of the 2020 school year, with our Grace Caboolture cohort electing their new leaders for 2021. With the year quickly coming to a close, we caught up with our incoming captains to learn a little more about the their inspirations, aspirations and their vision for Grace in 2021. 

So, what inspired you to become a Captain?

Dineth: There were many reasons that led me to be interested in the role of School Captain. Perhaps it was the chance to create some positive change, or my competitive edge that wanted to beat the tough competition but what I think was the driving force was the fact that I have the power to make a difference that really pushed me to go for the position. 

Adedayo: The thing that led me to pursue becoming a Faith and Service Captain was two things; the first being the support received from Mr Irvine in Year 9 when he said that he saw the spirit in me and that I would be a wonderful captain, and the other event being a recurring dream of mine where I am walking up a hill slowly while others race down in cars, this felt like God was calling me to walk a hard a different path than those around me and the role of faith and service seemed to be that path. These events laid the seeds that would grow in my mind and led to me applying for the role.

Emelia: I was interested in the role of Faith and Service Captain as I wanted to grow both personally and school based, including leading students through a journey of faith and service to the College and to inspire future leaders. 

What do you want to accomplish in the role?

Emelia: I would like to accomplish some personal goals such as growing my connection with God and I intend to communicate with students on a deeper level. With a school community goal of creating an inclusive fun environment in which Christian views can be discussed and followed, in hope to inspire students to lead in future years. 

Morgan: In 2021, I want to further unite the middle and senior school, allowing my peers to grow more connections with the people around them. I want to ensure each student is challenged personally but also celebrated for their achievements, while nurturing the tight knit community we have at Grace Caboolture.    

Adedayo: The goals that I wish to complete with the role would be unification of the grades and a new spiritual awakening within in order to personally spread and share the message in a captivating way to the students on the campus.

What traits do believe are most important to leadership, and why?

Morgan: I believe traits that are important to leadership is to be inspiring, committed, accountable, transparent and positive. A true leader doesn’t need a badge or title to be a positive role model in the school community. Instead by acting upon personal values, should develop into a servant leader, willing to sacrifice their time and effort to ensure their fellow peers are inspired and motivated to contribute to the community and grow individually. As John Quincy Adams quotes, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.   

Adedayo: The traits that are most important to leadership are faithfulness, love for the job, patience, teamwork, respect and emotional intelligence.

Emelia: Leaders should be encouraging, supportive, respectful and dependable. A leader needs to inspire their community in order to achieve a common goal and they cannot do this without these traits. The traits of respect and responsibility are highly ranked virtues as one needs to have good morals so success can be found. 

What part of the ‘job’ are you most excited for in 2021?

Emelia: A 2021 task that I am eager to participate in is EXO Day and meetings with fellow ministry teams, in which I can learn new perspectives and participate in a positive society. 

Adedayo:  I am honestly looking forward to doing all things related to the role and ready to undertake any form of responsibilities related to the position.

Dineth: The task I am most excited for in 2021 is to lead the College and create some change within the College community. A few exciting events (that will hopefully run) next year that will test my leadership skills which I am looking forward to are Grace Celebrates and ANZAC Day.

How have you been inspired by our previous School Captains?

Dineth: There are many things to draw on previous School Captains for example Joshua’s hard work, Sabah’s comedy and Simaima’s public speaking ability. Whilst all unique in their own ways, they all had the common goal (which they all were successful in) of strengthening the school community and representing the campus. This inspires me to carry on the hard work of the previous School Captains and whilst they are big shoes to fill, I can’t wait to try and do them one better.

Morgan: From Year 7 until now, all the School Captains that have represented Grace Caboolture have been so engaged and passionate about leading by example and being a positive member of the school community, choosing to be heavily active in all the opportunities the school provides. I am inspired by their well collected, genuine, fun and prideful aura they created for themselves and how they so willing sacrificed so much time and effort to ensure they were the best servant leaders to their peers around them.    

Emelia: Inspiration though Faith and Service Captains have been drawn from the main ideologies of a servant leader. After participating with the senior Faith and Service Captains in 2018 as a middle school Faith and Service Leader, I learnt important values of being a student leader.  I have learnt that leadership is much more than a badge and requires a balance in order to do so properly. 

How do you hope to be remembered by your fellow students?

Dineth: I would like to be remembered by fellow students as a very fun, approachable guy who was always willing to help instead of “that one captain who I saw on assembly every week”. I would like the students to  get to know me personally and ultimately remember how I helped make the school community better and hopefully be glad that they voted for me.

Adedayo: I want to be remembered as the Faith and Service Captain that would be able to help others deal with their faith and to help them to understand what is going on with their own lives.

Emelia: I hope to be remembered by my fellow GLC students as an optimistic, empathetic, helpful and loyal friend. With an attitude for a good laugh or a shoulder to cry on. No matter the case if you need me, I was always there. 

Now, what do you want to do after Year 12?

Emelia: After grade 12 I plan to study a Duel Bachelor of Mathematics and Science at either UQ or QUT with a dream to achieve a career goal as a Mathematician or Biochemist, with a large dream to travel the world. 

Morgan: Now that is one scary question. After Year 12 my goal is to pursue a career in the performing arts. I have my hopes set on a Musical Theatre Diploma at either The Con, NIDA or VCA and would love to try and audition for a touring company one day.  

Dineth: During Year 12 I would like to get my ATAR score to be at the highest I can get it and from there I would like to expand my options. Ideally, I would like to go into medicine as it’s a secure job and I enjoy helping people especially when you can see the effect of your efforts.

Lastly, what is something your fellow students might not know about you?

Morgan: Something GLC students might not know about me is that I’m terrified of snakes. It can be the tiniest thing and it’ll still make me run in the other direction.

Dineth: Something my fellow peers at Grace might not know about me is that on the outside it may seem that I’ve got everything figured out but to be honest, I’m the same as everyone else and I’d like to be seen as that instead of some sort of prodigious figure. I’m a person that makes mistakes, forgets and always need assistance but that’s fine as no one is perfect. I’m always trying to strengthen my weak points and I assure you the process is hard, tedious and at times agonisingly slow, but my advice to you is to trust everything will be fine and keep working hard.

Adedayo: That I like cats a little more as pets (I love dogs more as animals but cats are much easier to look after).

Congratulations to our new leaders for 2021! We are excited to see all you will achieve next year.  With this team leading our Grace Caboolture cohort in 2021, we know our community will grow to even greater heights.

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