
Secondhand Uniform Shop


The secondhand shop is open each Wednesday afternoon during the term from 2:45pm to 3:45pm, beside the Pathways Centre located just to the right of main reception, Caboolture Campus. (Please note we are closed the last week of each term)

Note: We are a cash only store at present.

We have a selection of secondhand day, formal, dance, performing arts and sports uniforms available for purchase, including blazers and jumpers.  We also have stock of the new white Grace socks and a limited range of textbooks available for purchase.

If you can spare time to assist in the store, we would appreciate your time and effort. Or come for a chat!

If you would like to sell your secondhand uniforms please complete the Consignment form and Uniform label below.

If you would like to donate any of your uniforms to the school, please feel free to drop them into the Uniform Shop or to Front Reception Caboolture Campus.

Sale Day
The Saturday following the last day of the school year, we aim to hold a Uniform Sale Day at the Caboolture Campus 0700-1000hrs. Items for sale/donation can be left prior to sale day at the Uniform Shop or Front Reception.  The event will be advertised each year closer to sale day.

MORE INFORMATION: Please contact us or call Judy on 0405 821 028