Postal Address:
Googa Outdoor Education Centre
571 Nukku Rd
Googa Creek QLD 4314
(07) 4163 0266
(The phone is not for the personal use of either students or visiting staff. Students may receive a call from parents, on their birthday, at 7:30am)
(07) 4163 0709
(The FAX and email are for emergencies only - please do not use for personal letters)
For any further information please firstly check the Information Booklet thoroughly and if you require further communication please contact us or speak with:
From Blackbutt > At the Anzac Memorial (in the middle of the road), turn left.
(This is the back road to Crows Nest)
Follow this road without taking any major turnoffs for 9 kilometres past Blackbutt and you will come to Googa Forestry Camp on your left - DO NOT turn down "Googa Creek Road".
N.B. 7 kilometres past Blackbutt the sealed road changes to dirt - when you reach a short sealed section again you are at 91´óÉñÊÓƵ.
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